Are you wondering how to navigate yourself and your team through these stormy times?

economic, ecological & political crises
AI & digitalisation
a changing world of work
labour shortages
uncertain demand of orders
short notice requests
changing conditions
increasing costs

Turmoil in the outside needs peace in the inside

Resilience is the compass that provides inner piece and strength in these volatile and uncertain times. Resilience means being both, stable and agile enough – as a team and individually – to remain capable of acting before, during and after the storm.

Gain strength and clarity to

Develop agility and confidence to
crisis and uncertainty

Use your experience to
learn and grow

Establish routines to
after stressful events

Hi, I am Birgit, your guide to more resilience.

“Resilience is all about relationships” – Martin Seligman

Meine Erfahrungen in der internationalen Hotellerie haben mir immer wieder gezeigt, wie wichtig echte Verbindung ist – zu mir selbst und zu anderen. Being in touch with myself means knowing my needs, limits, strengths and sources of energy – in order to develop a STRONG ME. Connecting with each other means cultivating appreciation, trust and openness in order to explore strengths and resources together – and thus enable a STRONG WE. This connectedness helps to regain our strength after stressful situations. Supporting you and your team on this journey towards more connectedness and resilience is the wind in my sails.

more about mesend request

Every day, you strive to create unforgettable customer experiences - this is why you deserve an unforgettable training experience.


"Humour is the lifebelt on the river of life." I think, Wilhelm Raabe was right. Humour relieves tension, lifts the mood and opens the door to more difficult topics. Fun allowed!


Lively for me, means learning with all senses. This also includes curiosity, initiative, and sharing knowledge and experiences. From life, for life.


Moving the body moves the mind, Whether outdoor, indoor, or online - my learning experiences are moving - during the training and afterwards. Experience outcome.

Every day, you strive to create unforgettable customer experiences - this is why you deserve an unforgettable training experience.

“Humour is the lifebelt on the river of life.” I think, Wilhelm Raabe was right. Humour relieves tension, lifts the mood and opens the door to more difficult topics. Fun allowed!

Lively for me, means learning with all senses. This also includes curiosity, initiative, and sharing knowledge and experiences. From life, for life.

Moving the body moves the mind, Whether outdoor, indoor, or online – my learning experiences are moving – during the training and afterwards. Experience outcome.

I am happy to design a learning experience for your and your team on the following topics

Team development

In connection with each other

  • Teambuilding
  • Team culture
  • Team alignment
  • Team resilience

Individual resilience

In connection with myself

  • Mindfulness
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation
  • Selfcare
  • Confidence serenity

Resilient leadership

In connection with your leadership role

  • Resilience in your role
  • New Leadership
  • Career- and talent-management in uncertain times

Choose from various formats depending on your need and context.

Trainings workshops

In person or online. Interactive and experience-based, tailored to your needs.


Experience-oriented team events – whether on the rock or in the forest – changing perspectives guaranteed!


Inspiring, insightful, moving. Ideal for conferences, team- or company-events.


Individual support in person or online for sustainable development.

Let's connect!

Send your request or questions via e-mail or arrange for a free call to get to know each other. More on LinkedIn – feel free to follow me.

Send me an e-mail and I will get in touch.

Arrange for a free 15 min call

Let's connect on LinkedIn.

In other words


Most of my offerings can be conducted both online and in person. As a fan of genuine connection, I certainly prefer to deliver in person. However, sometimes online formats are a better fit – for example, if your team works in different locations around the world. Let’s explore together which format suits you best.

Currently, I do not have any pure eLearning offerings available (yet). Blended learning has proven effective for some training programs – that is a combination of live events and online learning – just ask me about it.

For several years now, the world of work has been undergoing change. Digitalization and artificial intelligence are making their way into organizations – changing or replacing many jobs in large parts. This also affects the personnel structures in organizations – and the employees. They often bring along uncertainties, fears, and many questions to career conversations with their managers. Resilient career and talent management has answers to questions about what career planning can look like in uncertain times and what mindset and skills are needed in the future – both in employees and managers. In cooperation with The Career Innovation Company I offer evidence-based concepts to establish a future-proof career- and talent-management in your organisation.

Whether we use nature for mindfulness and relaxation exercises, or your team tests its resilience on the rocks or climbing wall, depends entirely on your needs and desires. But no matter which adventure you chose – you are in safe hands. For all outdoor activities I cooperate with the wonderful team from rauswärts.

Resilience is a continuous learning process and can vary depending on the situation, context, or personal state. Moreover, resilience is not a fixed measure but consists of various factors. Therefore, an assessment makes little sense, as it can only represent a snapshot. Instead, it’s more helpful to develop an awareness of one’s own resilience and to repeatedly conduct a self-assessment.

Strength for people in need

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